sLender facade: mass-customized volumetric envelope system

EKA PAKK is developing a construction system for mass customized and prefabricated buildings. The set of problems associated with mass-built prefab houses is familiar to us from Soviet-era prefabricated houses. There is a danger of homogenization, functional and social segregation of urban space. In terms of urban space, the issue lay in the perimeter, accessibility and functionality of the buildings. Therefore, as a separate research project – the sLender facade, as a mass-customizable, multifunctional, volumetric boundary structure that could be adapted to both new buildings and the reconstruction of existing ones – has been initiated.

Project executor: Algoritmic timber architecture research group
Researchers: dr Siim Tuksam, dr Sille Pihlak
Period: 01.01.2023-31.12.2024
Funding: EKA research grant, Thermory AS

Today's facade must be much more than just a protective layer against the weather. The facade of the building must be able to ensure a healthy indoor climate with minimal energy consumption, help mitigate climate change and help adapt to it. However, for the development of a sustainable urban space, the solutions must be primarily architectural and planning, not technological.

sLender facade is a research project in and between the outer layers of the building, offering alternative solutions to protect the (wooden) structure of new buildings and to reconstruct existing ones. 

The volumetric and mass-customisable outer layer of a building can carry many functions, from ensuring indoor climate and energy production, to growing food and solving spatial problems - accessibility and community place-making.

When designing a volumetric building membrane, we will investigate what kind of spatial, energetic and nature-based solutions the sLender facade could carry.

Project is supported by Thermory AS